CrossFit – Mon, Jan 6

Snow Announcements ☃️

It looks like we are gearing up for some serious snow here! For everyone’s safety, we are going to cancel the Monday 6:00am class. We are hoping to keep as many of the other classes running as possible tomorrow, but we will primarily be keeping everyones safety in mind – both members and coaches. Please check Wodify before coming to class to make sure your class time is open.

Here is an At-Home Workout that will be posted in Wodify for Monday in addition to our regular workout. If you aren’t able to make it in, please log the At-Home Workout. This will also score a point for those of you doing the nutrition challenge!

At-home WOD (AMRAP – Reps)

EMOM x 4

Min 1 16 alt. 1 legged v-ups

Min 2 16 Lunges/Pistols

Min 3 16 Sit-ups

Min 4 Max-Effort Push-ups

Min 5 -Rest-

Record Push-up reps in Wodify. If you get behind on the minute complete the work and rest the remainder of the minute you rolled into. Pick up where you left off at the top of the next minute. Let’s get it!

Shoulder Press (Weight)

Opt.1 -Test- 55%x5, 65%x3, 70%x2, 75%x1, 80%x1, 85%x1, 90%x3+

Opt. 2 -Build- 6×5 @ 70%

Opt. 3 -Open Prep-

Sub Shoulder Press for Bench Press

15 min AMRAP: (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

20 W. Lunges


10 Push-ups

W. Lunge – 1 Dumbbell

Rx Challenging weight


-Open Prep- (Distance)

Handstand Walking Practice:

Beginner: Demo below

Intermediate: 4-6 25 ft Handstand Walk

Advanced: Accumulate as many unbroken 25ft. Handstand walks. Only count unbroken attempts.