CrossFit Ironside

Workout of the Day

CrossFit - Thu, Sep 19
Deadlift (Weight)

Opt.1 -Test-- 55%x5, 65%x3, 70%x2, 75%x1, 80%x1, 85%x5+

Opt. 2 -Build- 7x3 @ 75% of 1RM

Opt. 3-Oly Program-

EMOM x 3 (AMRAP - Rounds and Reps)

Min 1 15/12 Calorie Row/Bike

Min 2 10/15 Burpees

Min 3 15 Step-overs/ Box-overs

Min 4 16 Lunges/Pistols

Min 5 -Rest-

Rx+ 15 Burpees on minute 2

Active Recovery: (AMRAP - Rounds and Reps)

14 min AMRAP:

200 m. Run

20 Sit-ups

15 Lunges

10 Push-ups

-Rest 1-2 mins

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