CrossFit – Mon, Dec 16


In Preparation of Festivus on Saturday. We will be offering a de-load for the Back Squat, Bench Press and Deadlift. If you are planning on testing your lifts, I highly recommend doing option 1.

We will also have a sign-up sheet at the whiteboard.

Back Squat (Weight)

Opt. 1 -Peaking Cycle- De-load 40%x5, 50%x5, 60%x5

Opt. 2-Build- Pyramid 5×3 @ 75%x3, 80%x3, 85%x3 then back down

Opt. 3 Accessory Work

Sub Back Squat for Overhead Squat

12 min AMRAP (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

5 Pullups

10 DB Deadlifts/Barbell Deadlifts 135/95

15 Wallballs

Accessory Work: (Weight)

Cyclist Squat



Record heaviest set