CrossFit Ironside – CrossFitAnnouncementsOpen Gym Wednesday! Come in and take on the Workout of the Day or work on a skill/lift!Gymnastic PullsPull-up Chart Progression Total reps: 7 sets of 8 reps 56 6 sets of 7 reps 42 5 sets of 6 reps 30 4 sets of 5 reps 20 3...
CrossFit Ironside – CrossFitBack Squat (8 RM)Opt. 1 Test 8 Rep Max Opt. 2 3×8 @ 72.5% of 1RM Opt.3 10 min EMOM @ 50% of 1RM Even Minute: 3 Front Squats Odd Minute: 5 Back SquatsMetcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)10 min AMRAP: 1 Burpee 1 Pullup/...