Nutrition is our number 1 priority at CrossFit Ironside. Over the last 6 years, we have run over a dozen nutrition challenges and helped hundreds of our members get their nutrition on track and meet their weight-loss goals.
We currently run three seasonal nutrition challenges throughout the year. We also offer affordable 1-on-1 nutrition programs that can be started at any time. In both our challenges and individual nutrition coaching, we teach flexible, macronutrient dieting with an emphasis on eating unprocessed, whole foods.
Nutrition Challenges
Our nutrition challenges run in the Winter, Spring and Fall. They are partner-based for added accountability and typically last 4-6 weeks. Our challenges use a point system based upon adherence to your diet as well as your participation in our group workouts. We offer prizes to the winners and have seen great results with our athletes. (For more information on our next nutrition challenge, click here.)
Individual Nutrition Coaching

As many of you Ironsiders know, over quarantine Pat was diagnosed with breast cancer and underwent several surgeries and chemo treatment and is currently in full remission.
Needless to say this gal is quite the fighter! Since her remission she has been back in the gym and has really made some strides in her health and fitness goals.
We always say that dieting is a skill and Pat is the perfect example of that. Since being at Ironside, she has learned exactly what she needs to do to lose weight and has fully committed to following the program. We couldn’t be more proud and thankful for her! Way to go Pat!

Progress update: Over the last year, Tara has lost a total of 33lbs. while following our phasic dieting program. She participated in two of our group nutrition challenges and has followed a personalized nutrition plan that not only has helped her lose weight but also keep the weight off. We are so proud of all her hard work and discipline and can’t wait to see what this next year has in store for her.

Progress update! We need to take a minute here to celebrate one of the most impressive transformations we have seen in recent years here at Ironside.
Since joining, Megan has lost a total of 40 lbs while following our phasic dieting nutrition program. With this strategy, she has incorporated periods of cutting, followed by periods of maintenance
In addition to her weight loss goals, she has become an excellent CrossFitter and is consistently progressing towards new fitness goals.
Megan is a joy to coach and workout with, she has a great attitude and always brings positive vibes into every class she works out in. We honestly couldn’t be happier and prouder of all her hard work and progress, she is an inspiration to us all here at Ironside. Hard work pays off! Congratulations Megan!

Gaurav and Reeya have had a tremendous transformation over the last six months since joining Ironside!
After an annual Dr. Checkup, both Guarav and Reeya decided that it was time to make some changes. Since making that decision just 6 short months ago, Reeya has lost close to 15lbs, lowered her Triglyceride levels by 96 points and her LDL Cholesterol by 27 points! Also, prior to joining CrossFit, Reeya had experienced a lot of lower back pain. Since she has joined, she has strengthened her lower back and is no longer experiencing any pain. Likewise, Gaurav has lost 9.2 lbs. and has seen a dramatic shift in his LDL Cholesterol and Triglyceride levels and has been able to get his bio-metrics back to normal since his previous wellness visit. We are super proud of these two and are looking forward to seeing them progress towards their fitness goals!

One of our longtime members, Matt Moubray has had an amazing transformation and we asked him to share a little bit about his journey. Since joining, Matt’s lost a total of 47.5 lbs, dropped his bmi from 40% to under 20% and dropped from a pant size of 46 to a size 38! All the while retaining the unofficial title of Ironside’s resident strongman. Read a little bit about his fitness and weight loss story below:
“I have been a member at Ironside since Feb 2015. When I started I was fairly strong since I had a history of weight training but my cardio was lacking as was my diet. When I started I was about 285 lbs. After about 1 yr of getting in better shape but not focusing on diet needs I decided it was time to really push toward my goal of being under 240lbs. I focused for the next yr and got down to about 247 lbs. I became a little lax again in the diet and over the course of yrs I got back up to 255 lbs and in May 2021 I decided I needed to kick it into gear again and did the Ironside Nutrition challenge. The first few weeks I didn’t see a huge result but after week 2 the weight really started coming down again. I decided to continue the cutting and still am and last night I weighed in a 237.5. So since the beginning I am down about 47.5 lbs. I hope to continue to trend down and my new shorter term goal is 230 and maybe some day I can make it down to 220 or so. That would get my bmi to around 16-17% from where I started at which was almost 40%.”

Progress Update:
“This is a picture of what 2 and 1/2 years of hard work and determination looks like. I’m not sure I’ve met a more focused and disciplined high-schooler than Ethan. Since joining us his sophomore year at Lakota East, Ethan has been consistently putting in the work and making progress towards his fitness goals. To say we are proud of him is an understatement. On behalf of the community here at Ironside, keep up the great work Ethan! We are super proud not only of your physical transformation but of the disciplined and focused young man you have become. Greater things are yet ahead! #Hardworkpaysoff #Lakotaeast“

Member Spotlight: Bekah Trimbach
Bekah is a Physical Therapist and the Co-Owner of Dynamic Physical Therapy & Wellness. She has been a member at Ironside for over a year and has participated in two phases of our nutrition/weight-loss Program. Since joining, she has lost 21 lbs., gotten her first pull-up, hit several PR’s on her lifts and has made huge improvements in her overall fitness! We recently asked Bekah if she could share her experience at Ironside from a PT’s perspective and this is what she said:
“When I first came to Ironside I was extremely nervous and self-conscious. I knew I was out of shape and although I played collegiate soccer I had minimal experience in some of the lifts and movements performed regularly in CrossFit. In my head I thought I’d try it out for a couple months, prove to myself that it wasn’t for me, and then I could try to find something else. Now, over a year and a half later, I’m HOOKED. From the moment I walked into Ironside the coaches and other members made me feel welcome.
As a PT with a sports background, I know form with any type of lifting is important to keep things safe. At Ironside I was pleasantly surprised to learn that CrossFit is not just about lifting heavy weight. It’s about lifting weight correctly and it’s about lifting more than you thought you could when you walked in (even if that’s a 55lb overhead press). It’s been more about celebrating personal accomplishments, not about lifting more than the 10 year veteran across the rig. I never feel forced to lift more weight than I’m comfortable with but I’m constantly pushed to work harder and have surprised myself MANY times with how much weight I can move both safely and efficiently. As I work with patients who have injuries from lifting, my experience at Ironside has helped me relate to them at a different level and has given me tools to treat these individuals more efficiently and effectively. For that, and for helping me believe in my own strength again, I am forever grateful.
Because of the encouragement and the coaching at Ironside, I am now stronger than I have ever been both mentally and physically and I look forward to sharing many more success stories with the folks here at Ironside.”

Ben just completed his first phase of our 3 part nutrition/weight-loss program at Ironside and he has had some amazing results!
Over the course of six weeks he dropped 19.8lbs.!
Lost 4 inches off of his waist and dropped his systolic and diastolic Blood Pressure by 20 points!
He is currently about 6 weeks into his 1st maintenance phase and is doing great! He plans on starting his 2nd weight loss cut this May during our Spring Nutrition Challenge and progressing towards his weightless goal!
Great job Ben we appreciate your discipline and dedication!
Hard work pays off!

Since joining in June Megan has increased her:
Back Squat from 125 to 225lbs.
Shoulder Press from 90 to 125lbs.
Deadlift from 200 to 255lbs.
She has hit 45 PR’s and has completed 137 workouts!
This gal is on 🔥🔥🔥
Megan, just finished up her 2nd phase of our 3-part annual weight loss program at Ironside and we wanted to take a moment to share her amazing results! Read her testimonial below and make sure to give her a shout out for all her hard work that she has been putting in at Ironside!
“I joined Ironside in the summer of 2020. I had already seen the effects from a few months of the shutdown, and I was ready for a change. I walked into my first Ironside class completely unaware that, in just a short time, I would find the support and encouragement I needed to actually make that change. Not only did I find a program that I loved, I found a group of people that will quite literally rally around you to help you achieve your goals. As an athlete growing up, I never focused on my nutrition as my activity kept me fit. After two babies and the inevitable slow down of my metabolism, the L-Bs started to get away from me. After about 3 months with Ironside, I was able to take advantage of the Fall Nutrition Challenge. In 4 weeks I was down 14 lbs. I never thought I would see those numbers on my scale again! In January, I started the Winter Nutrition Challenge and lost another 13lbs. My clothes were fitting differently, so I ventured down into the dark corners of my basement to find my pre-baby pants I stored away those many years ago. I can’t accurately describe the feeling I have after just two challenges under my belt. I am constantly encouraged by the changes I can feel in my strength and gymnastic skills. I’m also making permanent changes outside the gym with my nutrition (i.e. intermittent fasting). I feel like my journey is just beginning and I can’t wait to see where I go from here! Thanks to all my workout buds at Ironside, Daniel and Melissa, and my family for giving me the confidence to take on this new challenge. I couldn’t be more excited to see what I can achieve in 2021!”
Since joining Ironside Megan has lost 29 lbs. and is well on her way to reaching her long-term weight loss goal! She has also lost 7 inches off of her waist and a total of 20 inches overall. But that is not the whole story… As we all know the scale is not always the best metric to track progress. In addition to losing 29lbs. she has also put on a significant amount of lean muscle mass, as evident by her strength numbers.

Big shout out to Russ! He has been putting in the work with us for a little over 2 years now and has made some really impressive progress. He has lost a total of 36lbs and several inches off of his waist! Has seen his blood pressure and cholesterol improve and has restored mobility in his knees and ankles. He regularly participates in our nutrition challenges and has consistently made progress towards his long-term weight loss goal.
We asked him to share some advice for anyone who might be interested in participating in the next nutrition challenge and we wanted to share his encouraging words:
My advice that I learned from others that helped me are:
1.) Play the long game. There is going to be ups and downs but if you can look at your progress over a long period of time and see a downward trajectory… then that’s real progress.
2.) Try intermittent or extended fasting. It impacted my last nutrition challenge for the better. Lastly, if you don’t even need to lose weight, the Nutrition Challenge helped me better understand the food I was eating, the foods that impacted me negatively and also helped introduce me to some good new recipes.

Steve just wrapped up his 2nd Nutrition Challenge with us this Fall and has seen an amazing transformation this year!
– He is down a total of 28lbs. since the January Challenge.
– Lost close to 3 inches off of his waist
– Has dropped over 6% of his body fat.
– Increased his strength and conditioning, hitting several PR’s on his lifts and CrossFit benchmark conditioning WODs
He has followed his nutrition plan to the T and did a great job of maintaining his weight loss in between challenges. Not only is he looking and feeling great but he has also taken his performance in the gym to the next level. Congratulations on hitting your fitness goals, we couldn’t be prouder of your effort and discipline throughout this year! #hardworkpaysoff

Kevin participated in our 6-week winter transformation challenge. He really made a commitment to his nutrition and finding a workout routine that he could stick to. He lost 20lbs. during the challenge and logged 35 workouts. We are really proud of his hard work and dedication to hitting his goals!
Pooja has been one of our most dedicated and consistent members over the years. Over the last year she has participated in 2 of our nutrition challenges, has consistently hit her weight loss goals and has done really well at maintaining in-between challenges. We are super proud of her hard work and consistency. She has lost a total of 14 lbs. and she is a lean mean machine.
In January Shiva and Jyothi decided to join the transformation challenge. We are always amazed at the changes that can happen over a short 6 week period when we see our members commit to a fitness routine and their nutrition. Over the last 6 weeks they have lost a total of 22lbs! Nice work Jyothi and Shiva you guys look amazing!

My journey:
In the beginning of last year, I made a resolution for myself. To get bigger, stronger, and faster; and I did just that. During my freshman year of high school, I got picked on for being the small kid, I was skinny, awkward, and very shy around people, and I hated that. Things started to slowly change for me when I joined Crossfit Ironside I started to gain some muscle through the summer as I was heading into sophomore year. But i was still pretty skinny, it wasn’t until around spring when I joined my first nutrition challenge at the gym (they are starting up a new nutrition challenge so everyone should go check it out!) they taught me how I can bulk up and all these great nutrition tips that I constantly use in my diets. From the point on when I started bulking up, is when my body started making big changes. Not only was I changing physically, but also mentally. Being at CrossFit Ironside slowly helped me to get out of my comfort zone. To not be as shy and actually talk to people. After doing the nutrition challenge I had gained a great sum of weight. During the summer I was able to talk with my coaches and they helped my maintain my weight and then cut back all the fat but keep the muscle and gain more. During the summer, I found out about Spartan Race, something that could truly test my strength and mental ability, and I actually did good! So now junior year, I’m less shy and awkward, and I was able gain lots of muscle mass. So I’m pretty happy where I’m at right now. Thank you to all my friends and family that have been there for me and have supported me. Thank you to Crossfit Ironside for being an amazing place. Thank you to my amazing girlfriend Alia Hourani for cheering me on at the open this year, now I always imagine you cheering me on as I do my workouts, and thank you for always pushing me and sticking with me, thank you for helping me get out of my comfort zone. Thank you Spartan Race for setting up an amazing feat of strength, and I will be seeing you next year for even more races! So thank you to everyone that has effected me in this journey! So what are my goals for next year? To keep on getting those gains, and more Spartan Races!

Take the First Step!
Book a free, no-sweat 20-minute intro with one of our expert coaches to discuss your fitness goals and plot a course of action.