Deadlift (Week 2 of Juggernaut)
Metcon (Time)
For Time:
Choose your own adventure Partner WOD!
90 TTB’s/KTC
50 Box-over Burpees
30 Pullups/Muscle-ups
300 Double/Single-unders
Break up the following workload however you like!
16 min cap
16 min cap
Metcon (Weight)
Optional Accessory Work:Metcon (Weight)
Front foot Elevated Lunge
Go light, increase weight each set
Record weight of best set
Front foot Elevated Lunge
Go light, increase weight each set
Record weight of best set
Opt. 2 55%x5 65%x3, 75%x2, 80%x1, 85%x1, 90%x1, 95%x1, PR Attempt
Opt. 3 5×2 @ 80% of 1RM
Opt. 4 Accessory Work