Deadlift (3 Rep Max)
Metcon (Time)
For Time:
50 Calorie row/bike
40 Wallballs
30 Sumo-Deadlift High-pulls 75/55
20 Bar-Facing Burpees
10 Pullups/Muscle-ups
50 Calorie row/bike
40 Wallballs
30 Sumo-Deadlift High-pulls 75/55
20 Bar-Facing Burpees
10 Pullups/Muscle-ups
Rx+ Starts at the bottom and work your way up
Opt. 2 7×3 @ 75% of 1RM
Opt. 3 Juggernaut Week 5
60%x3, 67.5%x3, 3×8@ 72.5% of TRM