CrossFit – Mon, Nov 4

Back Squat (Weight)

Opt. 1 -Texas Method- Build to heavy 5 rep max, 5-10lbs. heavier than last weeks 5 rep max. Use the percentages as a reference. 55%x5, 65%x3, 70%x2, 75%x1, 80%x1, T5RM+5-10LBS.

Opt. 2 -Build- 6×3 @ 80% of 1RM

Opt. 3 -Accessory Work-

Sub Back Squat for Overhead Squat

13 min AMRAP: (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

200 m. Run

12 KTC/TTB’s


Air Squats/DB Thrusters

Continue to add 3 Air squats/DB Thrusters to each round completed

Rx+ 30-35/45-50

Accessory Work (Weight)

Bulgarian Split Squat

5×8 (8 each leg)
