
Back Squat (3 Rep Max)
Opt. 1 55%x5, 65%x3, 70%x2, 80%x1,85%x1, 90%x3+
Opt. 2 7×3 @ 75% of 1RM
Opt. 3 Jugga 65%x2, 72.5%x2, 4×5@ 77.5% of T1RM
11/15/2016 (AMRAP – Rounds)
***Repeat from 11/09/2015

10 min EMOM:
10 KB Swings
30 Double-Unders(Rx+) 45 Single-unders (Rx)

This is a repeat that we do every year. The goal is to get 1 extra round than you did the year before. The record for Rx+ is 12. The time cap this year will be 13 minutes