
Open Gym! Come in make up a lift work on a skill or take on the workout of the day!
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
Day 21 Pull-up Challenge

-Tempo Pullups-

Perform 30 total pull-ups with a 3-5 sec. descent on each rep.

If you cannot maintain a 3-5 sec. descent scale back your pull-up

Last set will be a Max-Effort attempt with regular tempo.

Record total reps into Wodify as well as any relevant notes..
Opt.1 10×3
Opt.2 6×5

Metcon (Time)
For Time:
50 1-arm Snatches
50 Push-ups
50 Squats
50 Pushups
50 1-arm Snatches

Every 3 minutes starting at 0:00
Run 200 m. Or row 250/200 m.

Rx 95/65

20 min cap