Open Gym during all Wednesday classes! Come out and make up a missed lift or WOD from earlier in the week. Prep for Festivus and the CrossFit Open or work on your bo staff skills. This Wednesday we will be taking on a repeat workout from last years Open. You have the option of doing the full WOD or. taking on half of it.
Metcon (Time)
5 Rounds:
8 Clean and Jerks
10 Bar-facing burpees
8 Clean and Jerks
10 Bar-facing burpees
Rx 95/65
Crossfit Games Open 20.1 (Ages 16-54) (Time)
10 rounds for time of:
8 ground-to-overheads, 95 lb/65lb
10 bar-facing burpees
8 ground-to-overheads, 95 lb/65lb
10 bar-facing burpees
Time cap: 15 minutes