
Open Gym! Come in and make up any lifts or WODs you missed earlier in the week or take on today’s WOD! This is week two of prep for the 2022 CrossFit Open and this week we are testing out a fun one! It’s accessible for all levels of fitness.
CrossFit Games Open 15.1 Scaled (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
9-Minute AMRAP of:
15 Hanging Knee Raises
10 Deadlifts, 85# / 55#
5 Ground to Overhead, 85# / 55#
CrossFit Games Open 15.1 (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
9-Minute AMRAP of:
15 Toes To Bar
10 Deadlifts, 115# / 75#
5 Snatches, 115# / 75#
CrossFit Games Open 15.1A (Weight)
6-Minutes to Establish:
1-RM Clean and Jerk