Clean (3 Rep Max)
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
Partner WOD!
15 min AMRAP:
50 TTB’s/KTC
100 Double/Single-unders
50 Clean and Jerks
100 Double/Single-unders
Rx 95/65
1 person works while the other rests
Metcon (Time)
Optional Accessory Work
Push-up Contest:
Rx 10×5 5 sec tempo on the descent of push-up. Rock up on your knees if you need to
Rx+10×10 Weighted Pushups 45/25
Opt. 2 7×3 @ 75% of 1RM
Opt. 3 Accessory Work/ Push-up contest
Opt. 4 Snatch