CrossFit Ironside – CrossFit

Split Jerk (70%x3, 80%x2, 85%x1, 90%x1 (3×1@95% of 1 RM))

Work up to over 90% of 1 RM and then perform 3 heavy singles. Re-rack after each attempt, rest 2-3 minutes inbetween sets.

Metcon (Time)

Partner Up!

WOD #3 For Gobblers & Gobblets Partner Comp.

5 HSPU’s/ Shoulder to overhead

5 Cleans

10 HSPU’s/ STO

10 Cleans

15 HSPU’s/ STO

15 Cleans

20 HSPU’s/ STO

20 Cleans

25 HSPU’s/ STO

25 Cleans

Rx 95/65


(10 min cap)