CrossFit Ironside – CrossFit

Back Squat (3 Rep Max)

Opt. 1 Test 3 Rep Max

Opt. 2 10 min EMOM @ 65% OF 1RM 3 Reps

Opt. 3 Open Prep -Overhead Squat- 3RM or EMOM

Metcon (Time)

3 Rounds for Time:

20/15 Calorie Row

5 Barbell Burpees

15 Squats/ OH Squats 95/65

5 Barbell Burpees

-Rest 2 mins-

Metcon (Time)

Optional Abs:

W. Sit-ups

H. Knees-to-chest

R. Twists

Accumulate 150 reps Total.

-Giant sets-

Start with sit-ups then move to KTC then R. Twist

Rest as needed in-between sets

10 min cap