CrossFit Ironside – CrossFit

Gymnastic Pulls (Complete a group of sets and reps from above chart)

Pull-up Chart Progression

Total reps:

7 sets of 8 reps 56

6 sets of 7 reps 42

5 sets of 6 reps 30

4 sets of 5 reps 20

3 sets of 4 reps 12

Muscle-up Chart Progression

Total reps:

6 sets of 5 reps 30

7 sets of 4 reps 28

8 sets of 3 reps 24

9 sets of 2 reps 18

10 sets of 1 reps 10
Opt. 1 Sets x Reps

Opt. 2 Technique work

Opt. 3 Continue to work on strict pulling strength

Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

15 min AMRAP:


200 m. Run

10 Leg-raises

60 sec. Plank/ HS Hold/ Shoulder-taps


200 m. Run

10 TTBs

24 ft. Handstand Walk

Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)

Optional Accessory Work:

8 min tabata:

Curls + tricep ext.