CrossFit Ironside – CrossFit
Metcon (Time)
“9 months of birth pangs” AKA Brandon and Amanda Herr BabyWOD
1 Clean and Jerk Rx 135/85 Rx+ 155/105
2 Front Squats
3 Deadlifts
4 Burpees
5 TTB’s/ KTC
6 Pullups
7 KB Swings
8 KB Goblet Squats
9 Shoulder-to-overheads
1000 m. run
This workout will be performed as the “!2 days of Christmas WOD”
Rnd 1 1 Clean and Jerk
Rnd 2 1 Clean and Jerk
+ 2 Front Squats
Rnd 3 1 Clean and Jerk
+2 Front Squats
+3 Deadlifts
Rnd 4 1 Cleand and Jerk
+2 Front Squats
+3 Deadlifts
+4 Burpees
etc. through Round 9 and finished with a 1000 m. Run