CrossFit Ironside – CrossFit
Back Squat (3 Rep Max)
Opt 1: 50%x5, 60%x3, 70%x2, 75%x1, 80%x1, 85%x1, 90%x3+
Opt 2: Pyramid 75%x3, 80%x3, 85%x3, then down, last set is ME
Opt 3: 10 min EMOM 75%x3
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
Partner Up!
15 min AMRAP
200 m. Run
5 Clean and Jerks
+ Max-Effort Calorie Row
Rx 95/65
Rx+ 135/95
1st person starts on run and C+Js while the 2nd person rows for calories. Once the 1st person finishes C+Js, switch.
Enter total calories rowed into Wodify