CrossFit Ironside – CrossFit


Open Gym during all Wednesday classes! Come in and make up a WOD, Lift, Skill session or the workout of the day!

Pull-ups (Refer to options)

Opt.1 Sets x Reps

Opt. 2 Test Shoulder Press 1 RM

50%X5, 60%X3, 70%X2, 75%X1, 80%X1, 85%X1, 90%X1, 95%X1, PR Attempt

Opt. 3 Bench Press Texas Method 3×5 10% less than Monday

Metcon (Time)

3 Rounds:

3 Rounds of “Cindy”

5 Pullups

10 Pushups

15 Air Squats


1 Round of “DT”

12 Deadlifts

9 H. Cleans

6 STO Presses

Rx Dumbbell or 95/65

Rx+155/105 son!

15 min cap
Perform 3 Rounds of Cindy then 1 Round of DT 3X.

Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

10 min AMRAP:

10 L. Raises

10 DB Flies