CrossFit Ironside – CrossFit

Overhead Squat (1 Rep)

Opt. 1 Build to a heavy 1RM

Opt. 2 3×1 @ 90% of 1RM

Opt. 3 ( Technique) Tempo OH Squat -Build to a heavy 1RM

Metcon (Time)

For Time: 5 Rounds:


10 STO DB Presses

10 w. lunges

10 h. leg-raises

10 w. lunges


10 HSPU’s

10 W. Lunges 50/35

10 TTB’s

10 W. Lunges

Metcon (Time)

Optional Accessory Work:

For Timeish:

50 Strict Pullups/ Assisted Pullups

75 Ring-rows

“The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.” -King